no wonder you're feeling resentful, lonely, and lost.

You don’t know how to say no, making it impossible to ever really say yes.

here's the truth:

You are ambitious and overachieving at work, leading others to view you as “having it all, " leaving you feeling unseen among your friends.

  • To thoroughly examine your childhood experiences to understand better what was modeled for you regarding marriage and to learn where your core wounds are. 
  • To learn healthy relational skills and to be challenged to practice them in real life paired with feedback as you swing from one end of an extreme to another.
  • To integrate the pieces of you that have been neglected so you can more thoroughly understand what you really want out of life and in love.

If you continue to behave like your partner’s mother, he will continue to behave like a child. 

You find your value in rescuing other people, keeping you terrified of breaking the cycle of perpetually burning yourself out at home and work.

here's what you will need:

Contrary to what you’ve heard, becoming a boss at building healthy relationships and taking control of your life doesn’t require 10+ years in therapy. 

get my life together!

Ready for a new approach to Frisco, TX individual therapy? Here’s my strategic 5 step process:

After a consult call to ensure we’re a good fit, you have your first appointment.


You attend your Initial Intensive, where we deep dive for 2 days into the skills you need to learn for healthy relational skills, set your treatment goals, and begin your initial transformation. After your initial intensive, you will qualify for Advanced Intensives if you believe time is of the essence and are looking to fast-track your transformation. 



During our initial 90-minute session, we examine your history and identify your core wounds. 


We continue to meet weekly, checking in on your progress, challenging you to go deeper, and tweaking your plan. We also get you set up building your team, whether that is adding bodywork into your healing regimen and/or a career coach. 


As you build healthier relational skills, you will develop healthy relational skills outside of therapy while also fading out our appointments naturally. As you move out of this season of focus, you will more fully reintegrate into your life with a clearer vision and the assertiveness needed to bring that vision to life. 

i'm ready to start my transformation

this is for the woman who:

are you a good fit?

I only work with clients
I know I can help, not just anyone who can invest. 

this is not for the woman who:

Is not able to make the time in her schedule to do outside reading and journaling to process outside of therapy.

Is looking to use sessions to vent each week or blame her parents for her decisions. 

Wants to keep everything in her life the same.

Is ready to examine how her childhood is impacting current relationship struggles. 

Is ready to start practicing new skills outside the therapy room.

Understands that she needs to trust the process in order to yield results.


Schedule now

Individual therapy is $400 per therapeutic hour (50 minutes).

The initial treatment planning and evaluation session is $600 for 90 minutes.

Group therapy is $150 per 90-minute session.

next steps

You fill out the booking form. 

We jump on the phone to ensure we’re a good fit and discuss details.

Come to your first session!

Join Waitlist!

“Dr. Brittany McGeehan is incredibly knowledgeable and skilled at helping her clients explore themselves and engage in healthier ways of relating to self and others. She is well-versed in issues stemming from family-of-origin trauma. I highly recommend working with her.”

kelsey watson, lhc

Kind Words

Looking for other ways to connect?

The Top 5 Mistakes Powerful Women Make When Trying to Save Their Marriage

Struggling at home but killing it at work? Grab this guide and let's get startedThis work is possible and you are worthy of transformational love.