the truth no one wants you to know:

You can do whatever you want with your business. You're the CEO. It's time to start acting like it.

BUsiness coaching for therapists IN Frisco TEXAS

BOOK your free branding audit today

You fear losing current clients and/or not being able to gain new clients.

You are overwhelmed by marketing and branding.

You lack confidence in your value and skills. 

Therapist, you want to charge premium rates ($250-$400x session) but:

1:1 Frisco, Texas coaching

4 years ago I was where you are. I wanted time freedom, more creativity in my work, and i was told i could only charge premium after i "did my time." Today I have a thriving practice, charging $400 a session, working 8-10 hours a week and still bringing home 6 figures.

Here's the deal. 

If you're stuck in the same cycle of burnout and frustration, considering leaving the field, I want you to know it isn't your fault. 

Therapists are operating in a broken system. And we aren't taught to think like business owners. 

But the reality is, you are a business owner. And with your skillset you're uniquely primed to make a good salary and help change lives along the way. 

 Imagine a life with this kind of work-life balance:

- You work 10-12 client hours a week while making 4k a week.

- You set your hours based on what works best for you and your family in the season of life you're in. (No more evening hours if you don't want em).

- You feel free to evolve your business beyond 1:1 with offers that fill your heart because you aren't afraid of not being able to attract new clientele. 

Sound too good to be true? It's not. You just need a compelling brand and business model. 

Here's the roadmap of what works:

  • Getting clear on what the root issue is. Do you have a marketing issue, or is it your messaging? Are you struggling to niche down, or do you have a skill deficit? This matters. Without understanding the root issue, you will be throwing away your money and time. 
  • Stepping into your strengths and adjusting for your areas of growth. Stop banging your head on the wall and capitalize on what you enjoy instead of focusing on what you lack.
  • Building your tribe. It takes a team to run a business, and a cash-pay private practice is no different. 
  • Getting comfortable with failure and buckling up. Entrepreneurship is a catalyst for your healing, and you will have to work through your own unfinished business along this ride.

Book your free brand audit