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As we begin to wrap up 2020, I’m sitting with hot chocolate and reflecting on this year. Totally cheesy and yet here we are. This year has been a whirlwind. I was coming home from vacation at the beginning of the year when I first heard about this crazy virus that was escalating. Aaaaaaand here […]

An Open Letter of Gratitude From Your Therapist

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Have you ever heard of the concept of the “ideal client”? This is a phrase that therapists use to describe the clients with whom they are best suited to work with. However, I believe that in therapy this idea of best fit is not only malleable but also is a powerful tool it when flows […]

Cultivating Your Ideal Therapeutic Space

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I believe that knowledge is empowering. Especially that which we gain outside of session. When we delve into ourselves outside of session we invest in the process and further propel ourselves into our depths in session. Here are a few of my favorite books that I recommend to clients looking to reflect deeply on themselves […]

Book Recommendations for Building a Deeper Relationship with Your Self

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“I’m good” or “I’m tired” tend to be my two go to answers when someone asks how I am. Sound familiar? It makes me wonder why we do this. What is the story that we are telling ourselves? I’ve definitely had the thought of “they aren’t actually interested in how I am, they’re just being […]

How are you feeling today?

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I often get asked, “what’s it like to be in therapy?” And I think people expect to hear that it’s the best. That you go to therapy and then your whole life turns around and you start to feel better. That it’s super empowering and you get all these great tools and then bam everything […]

The Mirror

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Have you ever heard of the phrase re-parenting? Or the idea of an inner child? What comes to mind when you hear these phrases? What comes to mind when you think of who you were 10, 20, maybe 40 years ago? I’ve found that in adulthood we tend to lose our sense of wonder and […]

On Re-Parenting your Inner Child

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What do you think of when you hear the word presence? It’s a word that I often hear being used to describe public speakers. “They held a strong presence on the stage.” Why do we say this? What are we actually talking about? For myself, when I think of someone who holds presence, I am […]

Bringing Presence into Parenting

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“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” Thich Nhat Hanh What comes to mind when you read that quote? Does it make you giggle or settle a little more deeply into your chair? Bring to mind your favorite trail or perhaps a memory? This is mindfulness. It is the sweet sensation […]

Finding Calm Amongst Chaos